
Game just cause 2
Game just cause 2

game just cause 2

It's currently racked up 52 hours on my Steam account and I've completed roughly 30 per cent of the whole game (that's an incredible amount of content, by the way) but I find that I've probably killed less people and exploded less things than the average player. I think I fall into a bit of a periphery demographic for Just Cause 2. Sounds like it could go horribly wrong, right? Here's how it didn't.

game just cause 2

Your mission? Blow things up and cause government unrest in an attempt to overthrow the tyrannical dictator's cult of personality. Your hero? United States special operative (and noticeably Hispanic) Rico Rodriguez. Just Cause 2 is a critically acclaimed free roaming shooter set in a fictional South East Asian island named Panau, renowned for its 1000 square kilometre island which is entirely your playground.

game just cause 2

A bit of a strange pick, I know, but bear with me because I think this is a fantastic way to introduce what I want to do with these articles. There will be old and new, fast and slow paced, meticulously realistic and unimaginably off the wall - we hope to let you know about games you might have missed, or even shed some new light on a game you played before and quickly forgot!įor the first entry, we're going back to Avalanche Studios' 2010 open world game, Just Cause 2. Happy Lunar New Year everyone! This is going to be a semi-regular series which will slowly develop into a digital catalogue of games we at DDNet enjoy, cherish, or find irresistibly interesting.

Game just cause 2